Sunday, August 28, 2011

Welcome! (In a scared and embarassed way)

Hi all! My name is Maggie- I moved from New Mexico to Washington to be with my husband, who is stationed up here. The move proved to be productive, namely because I learned why everyone is so excited about Washington. Eventually, I would like to move to the country and be a useful baby-making housewife; for the time being, I am happy picking blackberries and having my shoulders dislocated by walking three dogs.
The herd

 Ok, so that picture contains mostly dog butts. I assure you they are quite cute, and not normally this well behaved. Luckily, it was hot out and we were close to suffering from Washington-style heat stroke (it's over 80 degrees?! I will sit inside my freezer, thanks). However, this more or less summarizes my immediate surroundings. Here is just one more quick taste:

Barret receives his regularly scheduled torture (a bath)

Oops. I'm a terrible parent.

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