Thursday, September 8, 2011

Shiva, Destroyer of the Worlds (Exhibit B)

So remember that epic boot hunt I presented to you a couple days ago? Well, we have a new mission. But this time, I already made my choice. Let me present to you the issue at hand.

Look at my veins! Look at my bug bites! Look at all that dog hair! I'm a terrible domestic goddess.
One of these things is not like the other. This is my fifth pair of slippers. I had to give up wearing slippers after I had four pairs chewed eaten in two weeks. For those of you who don't live in Washington, March mornings in the Evergreen State are AWFUL. My poor little piggies were begging for tiny scarves and mittens.

The above disaster is my punishment for taking a longer-than-my-normal-five-minute shower. Forget the fact that I had the bathroom door cracked and dog toys scattered everywhere. This was clearly the most rational option.

BUT. I have figured out what I need to do. I'm done protecting my footwear. I have found the answer.

Don't even roll your eyes. This is clearly a genius idea. 

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